EBUS-TBNA uses a bronchoscope equipped with ultrasound capabilities (BF-UC180F) to “see” beyond the walls of the airways to detect in real time the precise location of lymph nodes.
The lymph nodes can then be sampled using the Olympus ViziShot 2 EBUS-TBNA needle. EBUS-TBNA provides visualization of a target lymph node and the needle so that the physician can visually guide the needle in real time to obtain a sample. According to the 2013 ACCP guidelines on lung cancer diagnosis and management, EBUS-TBNA is recommended over surgical staging (mediastinoscopy) as a best first test.*
* Detterbeck FC, Zelman Lewis S, Diekemper R, et al. Executive summary: diagnosis and management of lung cancer, 3rd ed:
American College of Chest Physicians evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Chest. 2013;143(suppl 5):7S-37S.