ViziShot EBUS-TBNA Needles

Endobronchial Ultrasound
ViziShot EBUS-TBNA Needles
The ViziShot EBUS-TBNA needle has been used in countless procedures since Olympus first introduced EBUS-TBNA to the market over ten years ago. It's proven design produces consistent results time after time.
Key Benefits
- Proven design: The ViziShot EBUS-TBNA needle has been used in countless procedures since Olympus first introduced EBUS-TBNA to the market. It's design has been proven to produce consistent procedural results with a diagnostic yield above 90%.
- Enhanced safety features: An easy-to-use, unique safety locking mechanism is designed to avoid accidental needle protrusion, protecting personnel as well as the EBUS scope.
- Echogenic dimpled tip: The ViziShot needle provides outstanding visibility on ultrasound images to enable direct visualization of the needle as it penetrates the lymph node. This facilitates correct capsule-to-capsule technique, which helps to optimize sample collection.
- Choice of 21 G or 22 G needle: 21 G ViziShot - The 21 gauge needle's wider outer diameter provides stiffness for smoother needle penetration, and the larger inner diameter is designed to provide increased space for a larger sample. 22 G ViziShot - The 22 gauge needle is designed to offer more flexibility to target difficult-to-reach lymph nodes such and 4L, 4R, and 10R.
Product Support
Olympus University
Olympus Professional Education also offers training programs through Olympus University (OU). Geared toward nurses, reprocessing technicians and biomeds, many of the OU courses are available for nursing contact hour continuing education credit.
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