Flexible Video Ureteroscopes

Flexible Video Ureteroscope
Flexible Video Ureteroscopes
Olympus Flexible Video Ureteroscopes are designed to give crystal-clear images during ureteroscopy, The CCD imaging sensor in the distal tip provides moiré-free, bright images that are three times the size of images using a standard fiberscope. The addition of Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) enhances visualization of the capillary network and mucosal morphology.
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Olympus offers a broad range of services to healthcare professionals and to our customers, including contact hour and peer-based training courses; information, training tools and videos on infection control and reprocessing; authorized repair services and support on Olympus equipment; and financing solutions to help your facility with acquisition of new capital equipment, accessories, and maintenance plans.
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The proper cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of Olympus equipment is equally as important as their proper use.
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Olympus University
Olympus Professional Education also offers training programs through Olympus University (OU). Geared toward nurses, reprocessing technicians and biomeds, many of the OU courses are available for nursing contact hour continuing education credit.
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