EndoJaw Disposable Biopsy Forceps

EndoJaw Disposable Biopsy Forceps
Olympus EndoJaw Disposable Biopsy Forceps are designed to deliver maximum performance while minimizing channel damage. Featuring a double-step blade, large cup volume, and swing jaw design, these forceps allow easier targeting and better collection of clean-edged specimens.
Key Benefits
- Precision performance: A double-step blade ensures clean-edged specimens while the sheath design delivers smooth insertion.
- Easier targeting: The forceps’ swing jaw construction allows easier placement and targeting.
- Better sampling: The forceps’ larger cup volume enables better sampling.
Product Support
Olympus EndoJaw Disposable Biopsy Forceps are available in sizes for 2.0, 2.8, 3.2 and 3.7 mm scope channels in a variety of configurations. The EndoJaw line also includes Hot Biopsy Forceps models for 2.8 mm scope channels.
For detailed specifications, please contact customer service for assistance.
Olympus University
Olympus Professional Education also offers training programs through Olympus University (OU). Geared toward nurses, reprocessing technicians and biomeds, many of the OU courses are available for nursing contact hour continuing education credit.
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